Too Many Boxes

The problem with collecting comics for 30 years is that you end up with a lot of comics. I’m not complaining, I understand I’m very fortunate to own so many comics. As I get older, comics become increasingly more expensive and I often think about the funds I could have spent on perhaps producing my own comics instead of buying other people’s.

In any case, lots of comics I do have. I keep them stored in the attic of my home in boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. Usually I have a fair idea of where to go if I need a particular story or book. Spider-Man boxes? I know where they are. Batman? No problem? Superman? Well he’s in the drawers over there, etc. The hardest part though is boxes that contain lots of different things.

I have many, many ‘indie boxes’ that contain books from each publisher that basically isn’t a longer run like Invincible or Walking Dead or whatever (they naturally have their own boxes). It means if I want to read a specific thing or try to find a book it can make things…tricky. This week saw the return of Chip Zdarsky and Kris Anka’s Blacksand fantasy universe for the first time since 2019 where they did an excellent two parter in the same universe called ‘The White Trees’. I picked up this two part mini back in the day, greatly enjoyed it and put it in a box. Due to them finally doing another mini (The Whisper Queen) I thought, ‘oh hey I’ll read the last mini, that’ll be fun’.

Now the question was…which box. By good fortune it was the first one I checked, there it was at the very bottom beneath the two part Island Of Doctor Moreau adaption from IDW, Ted Adams and Gabriel Roriguez which you I’m sure forgot existed.

So that was easier than expected which is always appreciated. It does make my system of having various books in various boxes rather…faulty. What’s the point of this apart from me just saying I have way too many comics (which again, very fortunate) and a bad organization system outside of certain characters/groups of books? I’m not sure, its been a week and I needed something to talk about so here we are.

If you have a better way for me to do things, please feel free to suggest. I miss my comic shelves where I could see everythings spine…those were the days. Then I decided to have children.

In fairness, I made the right call in exchange for a little inconvenience now and then. Also a lot of anxiety when I think about all the boxes I’ll have to get down from the attic if we ever move…

More soon 

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